Sat, 22 Jul
Cross Atlantic Guitar Trio (Sèrbia, Canadà, Eslovènia)
Horari i ubicació
22 Jul 2023, 19:30
Arbúcies, Passeig Mossèn Anton Serres, 1, 17401 Arbúcies, Girona, España
Sobre el concert
(1st Half - Spanish Music)
Manuel de Falla (1876-1946)
Danza de la vida breve. *
Danza del corregidor.
Danza del juego del amor.*
Albéniz (1860-1909)
(2nd Half - Brazilian Music)
Zequinha de Abreu (1880-1935) - Tico-Tico no Fubá.
Lorindo Almeida (1917-1995) - Brazilliance no. 1.
Darius Milhaud (1892-1974) - Brasileira.*
Marco Pereira (1950-) - Bate Coxa.*
Paulo Bellinati (1950-) - Baiao de Gude.
*Arrangements: W. Marcil-Bouchard.
The Cross Atlantic Trio, as its name suggests, is composed of three young promising guitarists of European and American descent who’ve all converged on the city of Vienna.
They have made it their goal to present the refined sensibility and accessibility of classical music to a wider, modern audience. The ensemble’s youthful energy and fresh inventive take on repertoire brings new life to the concert stage. Their unique way of combining classical tradition with contrasting styles perfectly mirrors their complimentary musical abilities and personalities.
Each member of the C.A.T. graduated with honours at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna in 2022. The trio’s current project features Spanish and Brazilian music, receiving constant acclaim from critics and public alike. This motivated the ensemble into recording and producing their debut album, planned for release in 2023.